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  4. How do I see what’s checked out?
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  4. How do I see what’s checked out?

How do I see what’s checked out?

The Check in/out feature allows you to issue assets to users and other contacts. So where in the system do we go to find what all is currently checked out?

  2. This is a window of all checked out products. This grid contains all the information related to the check out.
  3. Filter and customize your grid to narrow down information based on criteria. For example, filter by the checked out date, person it’s checked out to, and/or who gave the item to the person who received the item (Checked out by).
  4. For more details, click on anything in the grid that is colored blue and hyperlinked.


Consider using the “Chart” button at the bottom of the window to make visual reports of the Checked Out data grid. There must be at least one grouping and one aggregate chosen in the grid from which a chart can be created, the chart button will show no data. Group by dragging a column to the top of the window. And choose an aggregate in another column by clicking on the three dots next to the title of the column.

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