You can add notes to product and orders such as PDFs, images, signatures, warnings, special instructions, or free text. You can attach notes from the browser as well as the mobile app and scanning devices.
On the browser:
- When your product or order window is open, click the “Notes” button on the right side of the window.
- This will open up a grid of notes, which could include docs, pictures, signatures, or a traditional note of free text.
- Click the “Add” at the bottom of the Notes window.
- You may now either begin typing, or drag and drop a file to attach it.
- Click the “Create” button to save the note.
- The note will remain and can be exported later as often as needed.
On the Mobile App
- Adding a signature, picture, or typed note can be added to orders during receiving, moving or picking of the order.
- Before submitting the order, you will see three different icons representing signature, image, or text. Select the desired note type.
- Select “ADD___”at the bottom of the next screen.
- Begin your note.
- Select “SAVE” on the note.
- Select “SAVE” again, this time at the top right of the original Note Capture screen.
- A popup will indicate that the notes will be uploaded upon submission of the action you were attaching it to.
- Use the “SUBMIT” button in the top right of your screen. This will sync with your browser.